"Ai Qing is right, and you should accept it with great kindness."
In just a moment, Haotian restrained all anger and resentment, not only more seriously than taking the hat from the […]
In just a moment, Haotian restrained all anger and resentment, not only more seriously than taking the hat from the […]
Nine immortals! You can tell by the name that Li Yingqi has a unique pursuit of strength, and then he
He also asked Shu Yuexiang about it before. The answer is that the beast god does leave a trace of
And he gave back to his desk. He wants to suck up the taste of victory. "You have something else
I don’t know what medicine Ling Si night gave her, and my head is still groggy with hard eyes. When
A family must have a good wife The trees suddenly said, "haven’t you had breakfast yet?" Mi Le pathetically said,
还没等华真行搭茬后面院里杨老头已经听见了拿了一瓶酒走出来放柜台说“二六年份罗曼克蒂现饮口感正佳既然是公主殿要待客我也不好意思卖得太便宜了就算五万米金一瓶吧” 梅斯有点被惊着了但这位绅士也不能倒了架失了身份皱着眉头拿起酒道“你这酒从哪里来?” 杨老头“你买酒就买酒还管我进货渠道吗?” 梅斯放酒道“你们这些东国人恐怕不太了解真正贵族推崇统名酒我也不敢让公主殿喝这种来历不产还有没有别酒?” 华真行听出来了梅斯不仅是怀疑酒真假更是因买不起梅斯刚才口就说要三箱最好红酒那就是十支按杨老头价总计就得九十万米金就算克蒂娅公主要这里搞个晚宴也不可能给他这么多预算啊 但他又不能说自己买不起所就硬找了这样借口杨老头倒也没计较笑呵呵地又从货架拿出一瓶已经打了红酒道“可看看这个二年东国产来历绝对白白我特意进了一批货你先尝尝再说” 华真行摸出来一支大高脚杯接过瓶倒了浅浅一个底梅斯拿过去晃半天又皱着眉头慢慢抿了好几口也没说好或者不好抬头直接问道“多少钱?” 杨老头“二百五十米金一瓶不还价不行您就再去别处找找吧” 梅斯似是沉吟了几秒钟然后点头道“那就给我拿十支吧” 杨老头一摆手“小华去搬酒!” Hua Zhenxing got up and went to the back to
"providence?" Qiao Huan frowned. "I think this is God’s will. Look, you and Munan have been dating for so long
Of course, Locke won’t say the secret method he learned easily, but he is willing to share some unique coping